Do you want to schedule your project with limited resources, or facing a lack of resources during the on-going project?

You can also call the resource-constrained scheduling tool, also part of strategic execution planning.

Each type of Project Management plan is a methodology to manage and plan a project to achieve a specific goal. Similarly, Critical Chain Project Management emphasizes managing and planning a project by focusing on the resources required to execute the project.

Effective project management technique –when the project manager has only limited resources management for particular projects. In this blog, I will discuss what’s this technique? How project managers can use this one into on-going projects? Templates of Excel and different software are using for saving time and lots of money.

Related Article: Resource capacity Plan

Key features of Critical Chain Project Management Template

  1. Founder of this technique (Dr. Eliyahu M)
  2. This Technique (CCPM) mainly purpose of scheduling your project with any type of delay due to resources
  3. This technique could also manage or categorize with risk management
  4. This technique is better hen critical path method (CCPM VS CPM)
  5. Excel-based templates and different PM software is using in monitoring and controlling the phase of project life-cycle
  6. In CAPM exams, you have to face CCPM questions
  7. Using this technique, you can manage remaining time or buffer of any particular project in a better way to achieving the desired goal without delay
  8. The best approach to project schedule risk analysis

Critical Chain Project Management Template

What is Critical Chain Project Management?

Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is a project managing method which emphasizes on the resources (people, physical space, equipment, time et cetera) required to bring about the completion of that project.

Eliyahu M. Goldratt developed the method of CCPM to keep the resources leveled while keeping them flexible in start times. Also, CCPM uses buffer management to assess the performance of the project.


CCPM utilizing or managing remaining buffer in a better way to meet the desired goal


Change the path or modify for meeting the desired goal


The approach of CCPM mainly focuses on the fact that a project requires resources. Hence, during the execution of project tasks, therefore a project manager must manage and implement those resources effectively.

  1. If the workforce is implemented right, you can achieve maximum output with minimal hiring of people.
  2. Managing resource usage in an effective way is important. For example, smart usage of resources such as time, physical space, and equipment in a project.
  3. This approach also requires flexible usage of resources in the starting and ending duration of the project because those are the two most sensitive stages.

Best Critical Chain Project Management Tools (In demand)

Based on the basic usage, extra functionalities, and effective customer support, the following is a list of top CCPM tools for you to choose from:

  1. Lynx Tameflow

Lynx Tameflow has an import/export integrating capability with MS Project in addition to MS EPM Connector. Project Management, Project Evaluation, Fever Chart, and Multiple endpoints are some additional features of Lynx Tameflow.

  1. Being Management 3

Except for the Lynx Tameflow’s Project Management feature, Being Management almost has similar features as of Lynx’s coupled with some smart filters.

  1. Exepron

You may connect Exepron to the most common software products via API. Apart from that, Exepron features Unlimited Users Access, Program Evaluation, Cost and Revenue, Tracking Labor Hours, and up to 1000 project synchronization.

  1. CC (M) Pulse

CC (M) Pulse has fewer features as compared to the above tools but it operates on a single machine. Also, CC (M) Pulse is a free source software.

  1. Concerto

Concerto supports database-level integration and embedded MSP planning. In addition to its basic features, Concerto also has Full Kit Management, Integration of Agile & CCPM, Resource Management, and Portfolio Optimization.

  1. Aurora – CCPM

Aurora is a CCPM tool that features Intelligent Resource Scheduling, Resource Management, Enterprise Software Integration, and absolutely no limitation on the project size. Aurora is also compatible with import/export features with Microsoft Project.

Influence of Implementation Planning in a project

The Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) methodology implies some rules that a project manager must consider during project implementation.

  1. All the project’s milestones need completion in a limited amount of time however there’s always uncertainty about some aspects of the task. For example, if there’s a project of remodeling a kitchen in 3 days, questions like will there be a need of an architect or how many labors are required, are uncertainty, which is fine.
  2. Moreover, make sure the duration you’re opting for completion of milestone is not overestimated. Since there is a need to complete tasks in limited resources, one may overestimate the ability to complete things in order to be safe from embarrassment and uncertainty.
  3. Assign a safety margin to carefully meet the deadlines.
  4. Even though a safety margin is assigned, the project should be completed in the given time and not pushed until the last date.

Elements of Critical Chain Project Management

It can be defined using three types of buffers as following:

  1. Project Buffer

The total pooled buffer comprising of Standard Conventional Project Schedule and Staggered buffered between individual tasks, is called the project buffer.

  1. Feeding Buffer

The pooled buffer on each path leading to the critical path is known as the feeding buffer. The feeding buffer results in providing some slack to the critical path.

  1. Resource Buffer

Resource buffer acts as a virtual task that’s inserted just before critical chain tasks that require access to critical resources. It acts as a trigger point for the resource.

Critical Chain Project Management Templates

Usually, excel templates of CCPM are using as a scheduling tool for project managers. Easily manage through formulas and schedule your daily activity through this sheet of excel.

Our developer is also creating a google spreadsheet for online tracking and monitoring documents.

Although there’s variation while designing a template for CCPM for every project, you can have a basic idea about CCPM template from the following example:

Project Name:

Project Manager:


Project Duration:

Project Start Date:

Project End Date:

Section Task Name Optimistic Time (Min) Most Likely Time Pessimistic Time (Max) Duration (Expected Time) Early Start Time Early Finish Time Late Finish Time

The above template is a rough idea about how you can go about designing a Critical Chain Project Management Template. You should be able to design your own with some help from the example above.

Templates for Construction project

Very useful for construction template or other similar kinds of projects, using with you can daily to weekly schedule or re-schedule our projects according to your desire. Helping you to complete the task in our desired dates.

CCPM PPT Slides Template

We have available project scheduling slides (PPT), you can request us and download free slides.


Make sure, this technique is better for the traditional critical path method and PERT chart technique. Using templates and other software you can schedule our project easily in any situation. Improve stats of projects completed during each stage of the project life cycle.

Questions to Ask?

  1. Is the CCPM technique using for improving project performance?
  2. The practice of CCPM for PMP & CAPM Exam
  3. How Critical chain of PM is using for construction projects?
  4. Specific templates of Excel are available for Construction Projects?
  5. Can ProjectsManagement.Net provide me PPT slides (Free)?
  6. Are Excel templates of CCPM is the only solution or tool for managing projects schedule?
  7. Main advantages and disadvantages?


  1. John Gaulin

    – Specific templates of Excel is available for Construction Projects?
    – Can ProjectsManagement.Net provide me PPT slides (Free)?
    – Do you have any information regarding the Full Kitting process, tools, examples, etc?
    Thank you!

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