
Are you looking for “All in one Tool” for managing your team and other resources? You can easily download the template (Excel) name “Resource Capacity Planner” In this post we will provides some useful tools/template for easily manage external or internal organization resource.

In project management, project resource management is a key task that is usually monitored and maintained with the help of project management software. Resource capacity planner is used for allocation and leveling of all types of project resources such as human resources, machines, and tools.

A project portfolio tracking template is a wonderful tool for this purpose.

Quick Overview:

  1. Spreadsheet Based template (managing financial & cost accounting as well)
  2. Customizable and Editable template in Excel format
  3. You can manage multiple projects at a time
  4. Best for Workforce and production management unit
  5. Easily create blank Template in Excel sheet

What is the Resource Capacity Planner Template?

Managing resource is an integral part of project management. Without managing resources, you can’t get the desired goal. In procurement planning or configuration management, the managing of the resource is a big issue, if you don’t have these templates.

Benefits of Resource Capacity Planner Template:

Excel spreadsheets are useful in many ways such as;

  1. It streamlines the resources management process.
  2. It saves time
  3. It displays a summary sheet for a quick overview.
  4. It saves money for getting the licensee of costly software.
  5. It uses a pretty familiar and easily available excel spreadsheet tool


Resource available capacity is compared with the demand to identify surplus/deficit in capacity. Resources are modified based on availability or demand to meet objectives and their impact is analyzed instantly. For tracking progress reports of project, it depends on an accurate resource management plan.

The simple RCP template Excel spreadsheets can be made to help project managers to manage resources of multiple projects based on availability on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis.

The key function of this template is the leveling of resources. Over-Utilized and under-utilized resources are identified and balanced for resource optimization through the project lifecycle. Resources are differentiated based on skill groups to effectively utilize them in multiple projects.

Spreadsheets Resource Capacity Planner Format in Excel:

A 5 spreadsheets resource capacity planner template can be made using excel. Which is consist of following sheets,

  • Input Sheets
    • Settings
    • Capacity
    • Demand
  • Output Sheets
    • Summary Sheet/Dashboard
    • Calendar

Setting Sheet:

This spreadsheet is designed to enter following general information about multiple projects;

  1. Planning Period: This option is used to specify the start and end date of the project.
  2. Weekends: This option is used to specify the weekdays as weekends. As on weekdays availability capacity of resources will be zero by default.
  3. Holidays: This option is used to individually specify all the public holidays which will impact the project available resources and will set it to zero by default.
  4. Projects: This option is used to specify the number of projects for multiple project resource planning.
  5. Skill Groups: This option is used for grouping resources based on skill sets such as project managers, marketing, engineering, finance, accounts, and HR.

Capacity/Resources Sheet:

Capacity spreadsheet defines all available resources with complete details. It represents the following information about each available resource;

  1. Resource Name
  2. Start Date (Date from which resource becomes available)
  3. Working Hours (Standard work hours for each working day of each resource)
  4. Skill Group (Skill group to which resource belongs)
  5. Project (Each resource is allocated to one or more projects using this option)
  6. End Date (Date from which resource will become unavailable – For limited time resources only)
  7. Cost per Hour (Rate of Resource)
  8. Vacation and Overtime (It is specified in a separate sheet for each resource as start date, end date and number of hours. Positive number specify overtime and a negative number is for vacation)

Demand Sheet:

Demand sheet represents the following information about each task;

  • Date (Specify the task has to be done)
  • Resource (Resource name who will do the work)
  • Hours (Working Hours)
  • Detail (Enter details of a task)
  • Project (Project to which the task belongs)
  • Skill Group (Skill group required to perform the task)

Dashboard/Summary Sheet:

It’s an automatically generated output summary sheet that uses the data entered in the above stages to present the following useful information.

  • Number of Projects
  • of Skill Groups
  • of Resources
  • Planning Period
  • Total Over Utilized Resources
  • Total Under-Utilized Resources
  • Breakdown of the total deficit in terms of project, skills, and resources.
  • Breakdown of total surplus in terms of project, skills, and resources.
  • Graphical representation of Capacity vs demand by projects, skills groups, and resources.
  • Filters to individually see the details based on the project, skills group or resource.

Calendar Sheet:

Dashboard just represents the deficit/surplus for the overall time period of the project. A resource shows as a deficit in the summary sheet may have surplus hours while looking at day level scale. That’s why it is important to make a calendar sheet to monitor deficit and surplus on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Calendar sheet should present the following information;

  • Settings (This option is used to choose parameters based on which one want to see the output calendar)
  • Dimension (Resource, Skill Group or Project)
  • Measure (Capacity, Demand or Surplus/Deficit)
  • Unit (Hours or Cost)
  • Time Dimension (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually or Annually)

Based on the above-chosen setting parameter meters, the calendar presents the following information;

  • List of Dimensions (Projects, Skill Groups or Resources)
  • Total Hours
  • Total Cost
  • Calendar

Types of Resources Capacity Planner Template Excel

Usually, two main types of RCP template of excel is using in small business. Staffing or team management is the main department of the resource.

  1. Production Resource Allocation Management
  2. Workforce Resource capacity Planner

Production Resource Allocation Template

In the production unit, resource management is an ART, every day you are facing many financial or project management related problems. So using these templates especially for production scheduling (Budget, Expense, HR).

Related Post: production Schedule Template

Workforce Resource capacity Planner

Workforce management templates, especially use in HR management. In resource capacity, mostly recruitment managers are using these templates for managing applicant’s workforce.

For more examples of Resource Capacity Planner Template Excel, you can request us and discuss the download.


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