In this article, we are going to discuss stakeholder communication and reporting procedure. Which tools/templates are using for stakeholder management? Stakeholders are the main focusing factor of anybody – Your investors, employees, government agencies can be you stakeholder relates to the nature of the project.

So, the communication process between stakeholders isn’t a tough job – if you have templates and project management tools are available.

Related ArticleStakeholder Map

What is Stakeholder Communication?

In project management, stakeholders are people or organizations that have influence and interest in a project’s outcome. They are the key asset of a project and special care should be taken to maintain their interest and keep them engaged with the project.

  1. Stakeholder Definition
  2. Stakeholder Analysis
  3. Stakeholder Communication and Reporting Plan
  4. Stakeholder Engagement Plan

Each stakeholder must be communicated individually as each stakeholder has its own unique needs. While a group of stakeholders can also be made who have similar communication needs, one can’t stop stakeholders to lump into groups.

Developing Stakeholders Communication Process

Effective communication and reporting ensure to share information with relevant stakeholders only promptly. A detailed plan should be given to each stakeholder that includes the following channels of stakeholder communication:

  1. Digital Channel (Audio/Visual) includes phone conversations, webinars, video, podcasts, video conferencing and teleconferencing.
  2. Printed Materials like press releases, newsletters, magazines, leaflets, memos, letters, notice boards, and project reports.

Face facing communication channels general presentations, targeted presentations, project briefings, consultation meetings, and team meetings.

Online communication channels such as web portals, e-magazines, social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus), communities, forums, blogs, emails, intranets and online groups (WhatsApp, LinkedIn and Google groups).

A communication and reporting plan is a document that shows the information requirements, communication frequency, and provider of communication and channel of communication for each stakeholder.

Why Communication Flow for Stakeholders?

It’s better, every stakeholder can communicate and give their feedback regarding the project.

Feedback of Project

Every stakeholder understands, what’s going on relates to project planning phases to any on-going phases.

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